Adam S. Kutner

Las Vegas Attorney Adam Kutner, owner and operator of Adam S. Kutner, Injury Attorneys, has a deep passion for community involvement. This passion can be seen on display through Mr. Kutner’s many donations and sponsorships throughout the Las Vegas community. He has long been an advocate for Las Vegas’s homeless population, and Mr. Kutner keeps a special place in his heart for abused and abandoned animals. In addition to these interests, Adam Kutner supports several charities throughout Las Vegas.

This site, Adam Kutner Cares, was created to spotlight opportunities for giving back. Mr. Kutner’s hope is that by highlighting the small and simple acts each of us is a position to make for those less fortunate throughout the Las Vegas community, more and more individuals will be inspired to do their part to lend a helping hand and uplift those that stand in need of assistance.

If you would like to work alongside Adam Kutner and his team to give back to local organizations that help those in need, or if you represent an organization that would benefit from Mr. Kutner’s assistance, reach out to him here.

Have you been injured in a car accident in Las Vegas? Visit Adam S. Kutner Injury Attorneys